In case you need a powerful Internet hosting solution for your Internet sites, you will need a standalone server simply because a shared web hosting plan may not be capable of handling the load or you could simply need some software to be present on the hosting server. While a shared server is managed by the service provider, this is not the case with a virtual or a dedicated hosting server, so you'll need to manage several tasks like keeping a backup of your content or installing software. This may be an issue in the event that you do not have a whole lot of experience or you just do not have time to manage such issues. For this kind of cases we offer a Managed Services upgrade, which features a variety of tasks which our system administrators can conduct for you, saving you the time and the trouble to do them yourself. This upgrade shall permit you to start and maintain a prosperous web presence and you can focus on developing your websites rather than handling small monotonous tasks.

Managed Services Package in VPS Servers

When you choose to sign up for one of our VPS servers plans, you can include the Managed Services upgrade either during the order process or at any time afterwards using your billing CP and renew it for so long as you require it along with the virtual private server monthly payments. In case that upgrade is active for your package deal, we shall keep weekly backups of all the content you have on the machine, so in case anything bad happens after some update, for example, we can restore the virtual private server they way it was. Our administrators shall also keep track of the machine always and if a problem turns up, they'll resolve it or will restart the machine. The upgrade also includes 30 minutes of custom work, which is sufficient for the majority of tasks - setting up and troubleshooting third-party app you would like to use or which does not work properly. In addition, we'll also keep your OS up-to-date to ensure that your hosting server remains safe and stable always.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Servers

The upgrade is available with all dedicated web hosting plans that we offer and if you wish to take advantage of all services it includes, you could add it with a click on the web server order page or every time you need it from your billing Control Panel. You can also determine if you will use this upgrade all the time since it can be renewed independently from the dedicated server plan. When you have critical information on the server, we shall back it up regularly as fifty Gigabytes of disk space on an individual machine shall be at your disposal. Our administrators shall also keep track of the machine constantly, install the latest updates for its OS and restart it anytime this is necessary. Since the Managed Services upgrade includes installation and troubleshooting too, they could also help you with any third-party software and set it up for you. This will enable you to use our server even if you are not very tech-savvy and you have not used a server of your own before.